Message created on:
Thursday, December 11, 1997

From:Mr. Giark To You (
Subject: Re: SideShooterStageProgress...
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On 10-Dec-97, Garfield Benjamin wrote:
>> Well, I'm bustin my hump trying to get all done that I can,
> Well, I'm putting some time in, but I wouldn't say I'm bustin' my hump
> trying to get it done. Just steadily chopping away...

You can all relax. The release date will have to be pushed back to January 1.

I got my 1200, but a buyer for the 500 showed up almost immediately. I'm
scrambling to get a system set up for net and all on the 1200 before the 500
is out the door. Don't stop working and to those of you who were on time, I'm
sorry for the delays.

Well met and godspeed,
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